the planet
Building better brands with climate-tech
revenue-positive nature-based solutions
the planet
Integrate climate impact and amplify your business
Kg Ocean waste
Hours of work created
Female workers
Land and sea
Square meters of forest restored
Species of trees planted
Climate action
tons C02-eq
kg Ocean waste
Our eco-tech platform simplifies how nature-based solutions are incorporated into your business model. We help your organization assess your environmental impact, integrate a variety of solutions to reduce your CO₂ impact, verify and amplify your sustainability investment.
What's your company's footprint and how can we measure and help reduce it?
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How do we embed sustainability into your company's DNA?
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How do we confirm your C02 offset and its impact to the planet and community?
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How can we help you generate buzz around your environmental impact?
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What's your company's footprint and how can we measure and help reduce it?
How do we embed sustainability into your company's DNA?
How do we confirm your CO₂ offset and its impact to the planet and community?
How can we help you generate buzz around your environmental impact?
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Supporting UNSDG
Community first
We believe placing community as our first UN suitability development goal it empowers us to greater chances of success with our following principle SDGs of Life on land,
Our technology
What makes us different?
Our proprietary and unique climate-tech platform creates trust and transparency for sponsors, impact partners and consumers. View your CO₂ and ocean waste offset on our app, and how you continue to grow a positive impact on biodiversity and community livelihood.
This water
plants trees
Green Steps together with The Providore restaurant chain reduces waste and plants trees through a sustainability-friendly revenue strategy. In switching to on-site water purification and serving water in reusable glass bottles, The Providore removes the plastic bottle problem, while also donating to reforestation and ocean waste recovery projects.
This granola
grows a forest
Green Steps together with Dearborn Singapore are growing the Dearborn Forest, where a percentage of proceeds from every granola sold goes towards sponsoring rewilding projects that benefit local communities.
This gin
plants trees and cleans beaches
Green Steps supports ecoSPIRITS in moving towards net-zero alcohol distribution. With every ecoTOTE delivered, ecoSPIRITS plants a tree and recovers 1kg of ocean waste.
Our change making partners
Join more than 700 leading brands that are offsetting their CO₂ emissions and restoring nature by supporting Green Steps reforestation and ocean waste recovery projects around the world.
“We view Green Steps as a strategic partner for ecoSPIRITS. Their advanced “proof of planting” technology platform is integrated into our global rollout, and is a core element of how we present our own technology and sustainability vision. We could not be happier with this partnership. We view Guy, Andrew and the team as the emerging leaders in verified C02 mitigation, planting and reforestation management. Our global customer base, including iconic hospitality operators like Raffles Hotel Singapore, The Savoy Hotel London, and Rosewood Hotel Hong Kong, are all benefiting from the important work that Green Steps is doing for ecoSPIRITS.”
“At Super Loco, we understand the importance of doing our part for the environment, especially as our business grows. By working with Green Steps, we have created an "adopt-a-tree" and “offset-your-meal” campaigns. Our customers can view the carbon footprint of each meal and adopt a tree using the verification platform of Green Steps. This continues to create a "wow" factor among our guests that has further enhanced our group's brand loyalty and sustainability initiatives.”
Christian Tan, Co-owner and Director, Super Loco Group & Tanjong Beach Club
“We have certainly appreciated the commitment that Green Steps takes towards transparency and their willingness to understand the very real challenges on the ground to restore our tropical rainforest ecosystems. The support that Green Steps offers goes beyond tree planting, and is helping us with the more holistic process of habitat restoration that helps restoring biodiversity and maintain healthy forests that sequester and store more carbon.”
Martin Vogel, Managing Director, Kopel Forever Sabah
As featured in
15 July, 2022
Green Steps expands ocean waste recovery programme
Latest beach clean-up activities at six sites in Zanzibar, Tanzania, brings our current tally to 7,504 kg of waste collected. Next stop: Indonesia and the Philippines.
5 Sept, 2022
Singapore’s first granola cafe joins rewilding movement
Dearborn joins the Green Steps roster of more than 700 brands in a worldwide effort to help regenerate trees and strengthen local communities.
14 Mar, 2022
Trillion Trees nominates Green Steps for EarthShot Prize 2022
BirdLife International, Wildlife Conservation Society and WWF put up our eco-tech group for a global award for the environment.